SANA New Generation Remove Cellulite Gel

Friday, July 4, 2008

Product Description

美麗藝能界>Annie教主說:產後能迅速去橘就是靠這一支,真的好有效喔!迅速去橘撫紋就是靠這一支,真的好有效喔!」日 SANA勻體系列,2006年推出新一代撫紋去橘美容液,添加了300%柑橙花發熱精華,經按摩後會慢慢產生溫熱感,天然維他命柑橘修護成分,快速撫 紋,輕鬆和橘皮說ByeBye!新一代撫紋去橘美容液還添加大豆異黃酮、海藻、酸橙花精華等天然嫩白美膚成分,讓肌膚保有滋潤與彈力,美膚&勻體一舉數 得!
Ingredients include
: 柑橙花緊實精華、大豆異黃酮、海藻、三葉草花、杜松子 etc
This is a really good products for your hip area. Do not ignore it! Because when you slim down or at certain age, you will see cellulite problems and lines around for the hip area. Imagine when you wear shorts and mini-skirt the lines will be expose! Try this product to apply around your hip area twice a day after shower or cleanse body! Also, best for postpartum women (After giving birth!) get rid of cellulite problems~
Capacity: 200ml


Product Code : #EZ0G12
Price : RM57.80 (Other Currency)

****All Slimming Gels are not recommended to apply on sensitive areas such as injured area and infection area.[勿將產品塗抹於傷口、紅腫及皮膚異常部位]
*Its normal to feel the heat after applying it. 使用後會微微發熱,是正常現象,請勿擔心

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